Thursday, May 31, 2012

Another Visit to Medellin

OK – this should have been posted weeks ago…but really, there is just never, ever enough time.

This trip to Medellin was at the beginning of the month.  Between then and now, the day I get ready to post this – the very last day of May –I have made my way to Armenia, Laguna de Tota and Paipa en Boyaca and Cartagena, all of which merit separate entries.

As does the work in Bogota with the El Tiempo crime map and the Consejo de Redaccion corruption map, two of the projects I am doing as a Knight International Journalism Fellow here And let’s not forget about the development of the Bogota chapter of Hacks Hackers, something else I have been instrumental in establishing as part of my work here.

But quickly back to Medellin –
I made my way there for an event to mark World Press Freedom Day.
FundaMundo, the new foundation formed by the owners of El Mundo newspaper, a 40-year-old daily in Colombia’s second largest city, hosted the observance. Irene Gaviria, a lawyer and editor of El Mundo said a decision was made last year to change its business model and become a non-profit.

Her family has held most of the stocks in El Mundo since its founding.  She has taken over most of the management from her aging father. And she adamant about maintaining independence and objectivity in her coverage of the city where her brother was recently elected mayor.

Ok, yes, it’s complicated.

Irene is someone who doesn’t wait for things to happen – but strikes me as someone who sets out to make them happen herself. She took advantage of the World Press Freedom Day activities to officially announce the debut of FundaMundo.  I spoke briefly about ICFJ and our activities in Colombia, there. We also heard from Carlos Cortes on Internet freedom. And of course, about 200 members of Medellin’s media world learned about FundaMundo.

I got into Medellin the day before the event and went to a meeting with the Medellin and Antioquia controllers to learn about project working with student controllers.  Could they be possible participants in a citizen journalism effort?

I could go on – I won’t.  But one more thing to add to the Medellin mix that has nothing to do with journalism is the nature park that you get to by riding the metro up the mountain. Spectacular ride, spectacular park with a spectacular few hours spent there. 

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