Sunday, September 15, 2013

Johnny Depp as Tonto in the Lone Ranger

I know I am "johnny come lately" -- pun intended to my look at the 2013 version of the Lone Ranger, but it was playing in my $2 neighborhood theater and I finally got a chance to see it.  And truthfully, I would be hardpressed to miss anything Johnny Depp does. I do think he's fantastic and I do have a schoolgirl crush on him.  So this is not meant to be profound, just meant to move me along in my goal to blog more consistently.

I loved the movie -- I loved Arnie Hammer as the Lone Ranger and I loved Johnny Depp as Tonto. We all know what tonto means in Spanish, and although Wikipedia has a long drawn out tale of how the name was chosen, it's not what I will get into here.  Suffice to say that what worked in the 50s is not PC any longer, so you would never use that name.  But when the William Tell overture began playing int h background and Hammer raced onto his white horse, well, it was a return to the Saturday morning (were they Saturday morning?) shows I watched as a girl. I laughed out loud in absolute delight. Thank you for entertaining me!

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